Isnin, Januari 19, 2009

Kugiran Hujan

About Kugiran Hujan

HUJAN - Formed in late 2005,and completed the lineup on 27th February 2006. this wave-worthy band consists of Noh on vocals and 2nd guitar, Hang Dimas on bass, A.G on 1st guitar and Acer on drums. Influenced by a diverse range of bands which include the likes of The Strokes, Butterfingers, Anime Songs, and even Pot Amir Radiostaq, Hujan prefers to classify their music as alternative rock and has no qualms about delivering their material in Malay. Living and breathing the element they take their name after, their music alternates between the light, heavy and the torrential storm a reflection of the many stories, moods and agendas embedded in their songs. They sing about everything from love, God, family and to the happenings of the world.

Currently Hujan's Member

NOH - vocal/guitar
AG COCO- guitar
ACER - drum
JAJA - bass
DIMAS - synth & keyboard
ULLY AWANBAND - sub guitar

p/s : Best siot lagu dieorang...go go go go Hujan!!!

1 ulasan:

illyZEEYRA berkata...

man:jngn terase aty or ape2 au psal tagged tdi tuh?
maen2 jek tuh! hahaha!! x)